Dr. Aya Yadlin Segal

Dr. Aya Yadlin Segal

Senior Lecturer, Department of Politics and Communication

Dr. Aya Yadlin Segal

Dr. Aya Yadlin-Segal’s research and teaching are concerned with the meeting place between culture, politics, and new media. Yadlin-Segal’s research projects critically explore the role online media platforms (social networking sites, digital radio, memes, hashtags, mobile applications and more) play in our post-modern lives by focusing on processes of identity construction and cultural negotiations in global contexts.

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Digital Media, Internet Culture, New Media and Migration, Global Advocacy, Public Diplomacy, National Identity Construction.

Journal Articles

Yadlin-Segal, A. (2021). Articulating Persian Identities between Iran and Israel: On Nationality, Diasporas, and Lived Ethnicities in Online Media. Nations and Nationalism, 27(2), 347-362. [View Full Article

Yadlin-Segal A. and Oppenheim, Y. (2021). Whose Dystopia is it Anyway? Deepfake Technology and Social Media Regulation. Convergence – The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 27(1), 36-51. [View Full Article

Yadlin-Segal, A., Tsuria, R., and Bellar, W. (2020). The Ethics of Studying Digital Contexts: Reflections from three empirical case studies. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 2, 168-178. [View Full Article]

Yadlin-Segal, A., Tsuria, R., and Bellar, W. (2020). The ethics of studying digital contexts: Reflections from three empirical case studies. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies.

Yadlin-Segal, A. (2018). What’s in a Smile? Politicizing Disability through Selfies and Affect. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. [View Full Article]

Yadlin-Segal, A. (2017). Constructing National Identity Online - The Case Study of #IranJeans on Twitter. International Journal of Communication, 11, 2760–2783. View Full Article.

Yadlin-Segal, A. (2017). ‘It Happened Before and it will Happen Again’: Online User Comments as a Non-Commemorative Site of Holocaust Remembrance. Jewish Film and New Media, 5(1), 24–47. View Full Article.

Tsuria, R. Yadlin-Segal, A. Vitullo, A. and Campbell, H. (2017). Approaches to Digital Methods in Studies of Digital Religion. The Communication Review, 20 (2), 73-97. View Full Article.

Ramasubramanian, S. and Yadlin-Segal, A. (2016). Building Meaningful Cross-Sector Partnerships for Children and Media Initiatives: A Conversation Café with Scholars and Activists from around the World. Journal of Children and Media,10(2), 216-224. View Full Article.

Yadlin-Segal, A. and Meyers, O. (2014). “Like birds returning to their nest”: Immigration Narratives and Ideological Constructions in Early Israeli Children Magazines. Journalism History, 40(3), 158-166. View Full Article.

Bellar, W., Campbell, H.A., Cho, J., Terry, A., Tsuria, R., Yadlin-Segal, A. and Ziemer, J. (2013). Reading Religion in Internet Memes. Journal of Religion, Media & Digital Culture, 2(2). View Full Article.

Yadlin, A. (2012). Immigration Narratives in 1950s Israeli Children’s Newspapers; A brief review. Kesher: Journal for Jewish Communication and Journalism Studies, 43, 151-152 (In Hebrew). View Full Article.

Book Chapters

Tsuria, R. and Yadlin-Segal, A. (In Press, 2021). Global Media, Power, and Digital Religion. In: S. Ward (Ed.). Handbook of Global Media Ethics. USA: Springer Publications.

Yadlin-Segal, A. (2015). Communicating Identity through Religious Internet Memes in the "Tweeting Orthodoxies" Facebook Page. In H. Campbell (Ed.), Digital Judaism: Jewish Negotiations with Digital Media and Culture (pp. 110-124). Routledge.View Full Chapter.

Journal Articles Reprinted as Book Chapters

Ramasubramanian, S. and Yadlin-Segal, A. (2017). Building Meaningful Cross-Sector Partnerships for Children and Media Initiatives: A Conversation Café with Scholars and Activists from around the World. Children, Adolescents, and Media: The Future of Research and Action. Routledge.

Encyclopedia Entries

Ramasubramanian, S. and Yadlin-Segal, A. (2017). Media Influence on Stigma. The International Encyclopedia of Media Effects (pp. 1933-1940). Wiley Blackwell-ICA. View Full Entry.

Tsuria, R. and Yadlin-Segal, A. (2017). Israel. Online around the World: A Geographic Encyclopedia of the Internet, Social Media, and Mobile Apps. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO. View Full Entry.

La Pastina, A. and Yadlin-Segal, A. (2016). Ethnography.  International Encyclopedia of Communication Theory and Philosophy (pp. 638-643). Wiley Blackwell-ICA. View Full Entry.

Book Reviews

Yadlin-Segal, A. (2016). Phoebe H. Li, A Virtual Chinatown: The Diasporic Mediasphere of Chinese Migrants in New Zealand. H. International Journal of Communication, 10, 1882-1885. View Full Review.

Yadlin-Segal, A. (2020). Review: Media and Power in International Contexts: Perspectives on Agency and Identity/Williams, Tsuria, and Robinson (Eds.). Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture, 9(1), 137-139. [View Full Review]