Eyal Gal (MOptom.)

Head of Contact Lens labs and clinics and Senior Lecturer

Eyal Gal received a B.Sc/B.Optom from Bar Ilan University and an M.Optom with honors from Hadassah Academic College. Currently, he is a PhD candidate in the field of specialty contact lenses for Keratoconus. His research focuses on this subject.
Mr. Gal is the director of the contact lens laboratories and clinics at Hadassah Academic College, member of the department's teaching committee, lecturer in the courses 'Special Contact Lens' and 'Final Research Project' (together with Dr. Hadas Ben-Eli) in the M.Optom program, and preceptor in undergraduate and graduate contact lens laboratories and clinics.



Eyal Gal, B.Sc/B.Optom from Bar Ilan University, M.Optom with honors from Hadassah Academic College.

Currently pursuing his PhD in the field of contact lenses for keratoconus and PKP, his research focuses on specialty contact lenses for ocular diseases.

Mr. Gal is the director of the contact lens laboratories and clinics at Hadassah Academic College, supervisor in graduate and undergraduate clinics, co-lecturer in the M.Optom and undergraduate programs’ "Final Research Project" course, and a lecturer in the "Advanced Contact Lens Techniques" course. In the M.Optom program clinics, Eyal collaborates with all the local contact lens companies, including Cooper-Vision Israel, Swisslens (Switzerland), and Markennovy (Spain).

Mr. Gal is also a member of the Optometry Department's undergraduate pedagogical committee.

Haya Shamesa, Sharon Goldbergb, Cyril Kahlouna, Philip Finea, Eyal Gal, Dov Rosena, Jennie Goldsteina, Ariela Gordon-Shaaga. (2013). Self induced digital pressure associated with significant transient corneal distortions in a pediatric patient --- A multi disciplinary approach. Journal of Optometry 6, 219---224.

Conference Proceedings and Abstracts

Gantz L., Gal E., Weissman BA., Tarbia R., Agabrea H., Mattar M., Jabaly Y., Abu Ahmad A., Shneor E. (2018) Complications and Compliance in Over-the-Counter Versus Fitted Contact Lens Wearers. AAO ,Texas, USA

Mattar M, Gal E, Weissman B, Tarbia R, Agabrea H, Abu Ahmad A, Jabaly Y, Shneor-Lavi E., Gantz L. (2018) Complications and compliance in over-the-counter versus fitted contact lens wearers. Israeli Society of Vision and Eye Research (ISVER) Oral Presentation,Israel.
Gantz L, Gal E, Weissman B, Tarbia R, Agabrea H, Mattar M, Abu Ahmad A, Jabaly A, Shneor E. (2018) Complications and Compliance in over-theCounter Versus Fitted Contact Lens Wearers. European Academy of Optometry and Optics Oral Presentation, Pula, Croatia.