Dr. Keren Mazuz (Ph.D, M.A)

Dr. Keren Mazuz (Ph.D, M.A)

Associate Professor and Head of the The MA program in Management of Service Organizations

Dr. Keren Mazuz (Ph.D, M.A)

Dr. Keren Mazuz, MA, PhD is a medical anthropologist, associate professor and the head of the Master degree program in management at Hadassah Academic College, Jerusalem.

Specialized in anthropological and interdisciplinary research of Elderlycare, Aging, innovation and Technology in the developed world, design of age-friendly cities, a researcher and a member in advisory board for healthy Aging lab at Ben Gurion University of the Negev.



Interdisciplinary researches about innovation, ageing and technology, care and cure arrangements in cultural context, human behaviors and emotions in digital age.

Peer reviewed papers

Berenbaum,R., Tziraki, C., and Mazuz, K.(2017). The enduring self: personhood, autonomy and compassion in the context of community-based dementia daycare centers, Journal of Compassionate Health Care, 4:8, https://doi.org/10.1186/s40639-017-0037-z

Mazuz, K.(2016). Os concursos de beleza, disputas de israelidade, beauty Contests, Challen ging Israeliness, Moda Palavra E-periodico, Ano 9, n.18, Issn 1 982-615x [in Portuguese].

Mazuz, K. (2016). Elderlycare between global and local services: the use of somatic care practices, a case study, in British Medical Journal (BMJ).
Impact Factor 2014: 16.3
Ranking: 2013: 31/37 (Social Sciences Biomedical); 49/82 (Anthropology)

Mazuz, K. (2016). A Book Review: "Good enough Nurse" Nursing between ideal and reality, Israel 1960-1995, Israeli Sociology [in Hebrew].

Mazuz, K. (2015). Toward the Body of a File: On the bureaucracy of treatment in a nursing home, In Gerontology [In Hebrew].

Mazuz, K. (2015). Les concours de beauté, enjeux de l’israélianité (Foreignness and the female body between Asia and Israel: Beauty Contests as sites of Contested Israeliness), in Ethnologie Française, XLV (2): pp. [In French and In English]. SJR 2013: 0.236

Mazuz, K., Biswas, S., Mendes, R.A.(2015). In Service of the Public: the Social Implications toward Internet-driven and E-healthcare Services approach, in E-Governance Applications for User-Driven Healthcare, Biswas, R., and Eyob, E. (Eds). IGI Global Press.

Biswas, S., Mazuz, K., Mendes, R. A.(2015). E-healthcare Disparities across Cultures, in E-Governance Applications for User-Driven Healthcare Biswas, R., and Eyob, E. (Eds), IGI Global Press.

Mazuz, K. (2013). The Familial Dyad between aged Patients and Filipina caregivers in Israel: eldercare and Bodily-based Practices in the Jewish Home, Anthropology & Aging Quarterly, 34 (3): 126-134.

Mazuz, K. (2013). Folding Paper Swans, Modeling Lives: The Rituals of Filipina Eldercare in Israel. In Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 27(2):215-232.
Impact Factor 2013: 0.635
Ranking: 2013: 31/37 (Social Sciences Biomedical); 49/82 (Anthropology)

Mazuz, K. (2013). Pain as a mediating stance: Anthropological perspective on pain management of elderly patients at nursing homecare as a source of sociality In Gerontology [In Hebrew].

Books and chapters

Mazuz, K. (2014). Pain in-between Cultures: A Comparison between Eldercare Forms in Israel. In Painful Conversations: Making Pain Sens(e)ible, Hans T. Sternudd (Eds). Inter-Disciplinary press.

Mazuz, K. (2013). The State of the Family: Eldercare as a Practice of Corporal Symbiosis by Filipina Migrant Workers. In Markowitz Fran, (Ed), Ethnographic Encounters in Israel: Poetics and Ethics of Fieldwork, University of Indiana Press (pp. 97-112).

Mazuz, K. (2012). Marginalization Entry. In The Encyclopedia of Immigrant Health. Sana Loue and Martha Sajatovic (Eds). New York: Springer.

Mazuz, K. (2011). Pain In-between cultures: Eldercare and Filipina Migrant workers in Israel. In Pain: Management, Expression, Interpretation, Andrzej Danczak and Nicola Lazenby (Eds) E-book 170, ISBN 978-1-84888-080-1, United Kingdom: Inter-Disciplinary Press. Pp. 59-65. 

Papers and Abstracts - Proceedings of Conferences (In Chronological order)

Mazuz, K. 30 March 2018
The Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities, The Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art & Art Center Kobe, Kobe, Japan

Mazuz, K. 23 May 2017
European Summit by Aging 2.0, Hasselt University, Belgium

Mazuz, K. 30 March 2017
The Annual Meeting of the American Ethnological Society, Stanford University, USA

Mazuz, K. 20 July 2016
The 14th European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA2016) biennial conference, Milan Italy

Mazuz, K. 4 July 2016
The Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth conference, Durham University, UK

Mazuz, K. 16 November 2015
The 114th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), Denver CO, US, Denver Colorado
Rhythms of Sustainability and Adjustment

Mazuz, K. 26 March 2015,
Phenomenology and Health: An Interdisciplinary Symposium, The Inaugural Conference of the Oxford Phenomenology Network, TORCH (The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities), University of Oxford, UK
Care Ritual from Phenomenological Anthropology Perspectives

Mazuz, K. 22 October 2014,
International Healthy Cities, WHO European Healthy Cities Network, Athens, Greece
Jerusalem of Gold-Age: Master Plan to enable healthy aging in synergies with end-users and private-municipality agencies

Mazuz, K. 29 May 2014,
Medical Anthropology At Home conference: Assemblages, Transformations, and the Politics of Care, in Bertinoro-Bologna, Italy
Ritualizing Care: Folding Paper Swans by Filipina Caregivers in Israel

Mazuz, K. 29 May 2013
The Israeli Anthropological Association Conference, Van Leer Jerusalem Institution, Israel
Chronic pain as a Bodily Phenomenon: a case-study in Medical Anthropology

Mazuz, K. 8 May 2012,
Hadassah Ein Kareem Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel
The Taste of Life: the Cultural Meanings of Food and PEG Nutrition

Mazuz, K. 29 November 2012,
15th Anniversary Conference of the Work Group Medical Anthropology of the German Anthropological Association, Vienna, Austria
Care in-between Cultures: Folding Paper Swans by Filipina Caregivers in Israel

Mazuz, K. 31 May 2011,
The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jerusalem, Israel
Conference in honor of Prof. Don Handelman
Folding Paper Swan, Modeling Lives, Making a Difference

Mazuz, K. 22 May 2011,
Inter-Disciplenary.Net: A global network for dynamic research and publishing, 2nd Global Conference of Making Sense of Pain, Warsaw, Poland
Pain in-between Culture: Eldercare and Filipina migrant workers in Israel

Mazuz, K. 13 December 2010, Seminar presentation
The Sociology-Anthropology Department, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Practicing Paper Swan: the origami art by the Filipina caregivers in Israel

Mazuz, K. 29 April 2010,
The Israeli Anthropological Association Conference, Israel
Folding Time

Mazuz, K. 21 July 2008, seminar presentation
The Sociology-Anthropology Department, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Paper Swan: Line of Flight from the Se’udi World

Mazuz, K. 13 June 2008,
The Centre de Recherche Français de Jérusalem, Seminar, Israel
Between Human Shield and Neighbors: the Immigration Police in Israel

Mazuz, K. 21 May 2008,
The Israeli Anthropological Association Conference, Beit- Berl Collage, Israel
The File Process: Legality and Illegality

Mazuz, K. 9 April 2008,
Ben-Gurion University and Keele University Conference, In Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Becoming Se’udi as horizon-of-living

Mazuz, K. 10 May 2007,
The Israeli Anthropological Association Conference, Achva Collage, Israel
The Bureaucratic Logic

Mazuz, K. 10 April 2007,
Society for the Anthropology of North America Conference (SANA), New Orleans, USA Rethinking the State: Foreign Domestics, Governmenatlity, and the Politics of Everyday Practices in Israel

Mazuz, K. 26 May 2005,
The Israeli Anthropological Association Conference, Sapir Collage, Israel
Body-State Relations: On the surveillance relations in the bodily interaction between Filipina migrants and Jewish employers

Mazuz, K. 3 May 2005,
The Canadian Anthropology Society & the Society for the Anthropology of North America & La Facultad de Ciencias Antropologicas Annual Conference, Merida Yucatan, Mexico
Beauty that Matters: The Israeli Philippine Beauty Queen Contest as a site of becoming Visible

Mazuz, K. 19 May 2004,
The Israeli Anthropological Association Conference, Sede- Boker, Israel
"I'm Authentic therefore I'm Exist": On the Philippine- Israel Beauty Queen as a
Site of Visibility

Mazuz, K. 19 May 2004,
The Israeli Anthropological Association Conference, Sede- Boker, Israel
The Oriental Women: the Filipina woman, the Moroccan women and me:
Critical thoughts about Representation