Dr. Tal Dingott Alkopher (Ph.D)

Dr. Tal Dingott Alkopher (Ph.D)

Lecturer, Department of Politics and Communication

Dr. Tal Dingott Alkopher (Ph.D)

Dr. Tal Dingott Alkopher received her B.A from the International Relations Department and the French Language and Literature Department at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1995). She then received M.A. (Summa Cum Laude, 1999) as well as her Ph.D. (2004) from the International Relations Department at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She was a post-doctoral fellow at the Munk Centre for Global Studies in the University of Toronto (2003-2004) as well as at the Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2004-2005).

She served as a lecturer in the Division of International Relations at Haifa University between 2005-2008, and latter in the Department of International Relations at the Hebrew University (2008-2018). Dr. Dingott Alkopher joined the Politics & Communication Department at Hadassah Academic College in 2018.



Dr. Dingott Alkopher's main research interests include International Relations and Diplomacy in general and the impact of social identity on European politics, in particular. Her recent publications focus on European immigration policy. She has formerly published in International Studies Quarterly, Millennium, Cooperation and Conflict , the Journal of International Relations and Development, as well as Political Psychology.

Her book ""Fighting for Rights: From Holy Wars to Humanitarian Military Interventions"" was published in 2013 first in Ashgate Publishhing and latter in Routledge. In 2016 she has received together with Dr. Lopatin a prestigious scholarship from the Israeli Science Foundation (ISF).

Dingott Alkopher, T. 2005. The Social (and Religious) Meanings that Constitute War: The Crusades as Realpolitik vs. Socialpolitik. International Studies Quarterly, 49: 715-737.

Dingott Alkopher, T. 2007 The Role of Rights in the Social Construction of Wars: From the Crusades to Humanitarian Interventions. Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 36(1): 1-27.

Dingott Alkopher, T. 2008. “Is Isaiah a Social Constructivist?” In Raymond Cohen and Raymond Westbrook (eds.) Swords into Plowshares: Isaiah’s Political Vision, pp.121-135, Palgrave Macmillan, New York.

Dingott Alkopher, T. 2009. “Reconsidering Security in the European Security Community” In Arie Kacowicz (ed.), The Spirit of Einstein: Germans and Israelis on Ethics and International Order, pp.79-86, The Einstein Center and The Leonard Davis Institute, Jerusalem.

Dingott Alkopher, T. 2010.“Military Humanitarian Interventions: Kosovo as an Examplar,” In Shlomo Avineri(ed.), War and Peace, 2010, pp. 293-312, Zalman Shazar, Jerusalem (In Hebrew).

Dingott Alkopher, T. 2013.Fighting For Rights: From Holy Wars to Humanitarian Military

Interventions Ashgate 1st edition 2013, Routledge 2nd edition 2016.

Dingott Alkopher, T. 2014. Injury in just war theory: From the traditional to the feminist perception. Cooperation and Conflict, 49(2): 260 – 275.

Dingott Alkopher, T. 2015. The Political Psychology of Integration Strategies: The Case of the European Commission’s Interculturalism. Journal of International Relations and Development. 18 (4): 428-454.

Dingott Alkopher, T. 2015. "Why "Warm Peace" in Europe is not so Warm: The Impact of Immigration-Related Securitization Process on the European Security Community," In Lutmar, Carmela and Benjamin Miller (eds), Regional Peacemaking and Conflict Management: A comparative approach, 2015, pp.62-80, Routledge, London and New York.

Dingott Alkopher, T. 2016, From Kosovo to Syria: The transformation of NATO Secretaries General discourse on military humanitarian intervention.  European Security. 25 (1): 49-71.

Dingott Alkopher, T. and Blanc, E. 2017. Schengen Area Shaken: The Impact of Immigration-Related Threat Perceptions on the European Security Community.Journal of International Relations and Development. 20(3), 511-542.

Dingott Alkopher, T. 2018. Socio-Psychological Reactions in the EU to Immigration: From Regaining Ontological Security to De-Securitisation. European Security, 27 (3): 314-335.

Dingott Alkopher, T. 2018. EU's disunited Response to the 2015 Refugee Crisis: A View from the Perspective of the Psychological Theory of DID. Political Psychology,  39 (6), 1389-1403.

Dingott Alkopher, T. 2019. Socio-Psychological Reactions in the EU to Immigration: From Regaining Ontological Security to De-Securitisation. In Catarina Kinnvall, Ian Manners and Jennifer Mitzen (eds.,) Ontological Insecurity in the European Union. Routledge.