Completion of the 7th cycle of "Mishley - Tagat" Preparatory Program


Last week, the "Mishley" preparatory program has ended its 7th cycle. "Mishley" is a special program to complete 12 years of study that takes place at Hadassah Academic College in collaboration with JDC Israel, the Ministry of Welfare, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Education.

The program was completed by 19 students and this is the seventh round of students to complete the track at Hadassah Academic College.

Completing the program allows graduates a wider range of options in the world of employment. Our graduates have displayed academic curiosity and have gone on to preparatory courses in and out of the college in order to be accepted for undergraduate studies. Among the graduates of the first classes there are already those who have completed an academic degree.

Hadassah Academic College sees great importance in reducing educational and social gaps and making education accessible and wishes the graduates great success moving forward!

The graduates. Photo: Maor Savis