Pediatric Optometry (Online Course)

To be offered in Fall 2022 - 2 credits (3 ECTS Credits)

Click here to register for Pediatric Optometry course


The course covers pediatric visual development, diagnosis and management of common pediatric ocular diseases and dysfunctions, and pediatric examination techniques.

Course Structure

  • Four concentrated lectures, of approximately 8 hour live sessions via Zoom which will be recorded to facilitate flexible study and review
  • Dates:
    • November 08
    • November 29
    • December 27
    • January 03

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Compare between different types of cycloplegic agents
  2. Describe the signs symptoms of psychosomatic visual dysfunctions
  3. List ocular signs of child abuse
  4. Describe and perform dry and wet refraction in the pediatric population
  5. Describe and perform refraction in a pediatric population with dyslexia, learning disabilities or color vision defects
  6. Detail and contrast therapy options for myopia control
  7. Diagnose and manage or co-manage amblyopia and binocular vision dysfunctions
  8. Detail the examination procedures necessary for the diagnosis of amblyopia, strabismus, or binocular vision dysfunction
  9. Detail and recognize the signs of common pediatric ocular diseases

Topics Covered

  • Examination techniques and routines
  • Clinical measurement of vision and visual acuity
  • Strabismus & Amblyopia – a review of epidemiology, diagnosis & management
  • Cycloplegia
  • Investigation and Management of binocular vision anomalies
  • Psychosomatic visual and ocular anomalies
  • Ocular Signs of Child Abuse
  • Refractive Techniques
  • Myopia Control
  • Investigation and optometric management of dyslexia and other specific learning difficulties
  • Diseases of the eye and orbit


  • Final exam for students seeking academic credit


Prof. Simon Barnard
is a British optometrist (City University, 1976) with a PhD in the topic of eye movements (1999). He is a Fellow of the College of Optometrists, the American Academy of Optometry and the European Academy of Optometry. Prof. Barnard is the Director of Ocular Medicine at the Institute of Optometry in London, a past member of the Board of Optometric Examiners and Chairman of the Scope of Practice Committee of the European Council of Optometry and Optics. An independent prescriber, Professor Barnard has published over 30 clinical papers in journals or books and is the Co-Editor and Author of the textbook Pediatric Eye Care. He is also a co-inventor of the Volk Eye Check and a world renown lecturer in optometry.

Prof. Mitchell Scheiman
, Dean of research, Director of graduate studies, and a professor at Salus university. Prof. Scheiman has spent over 25 years researching binocular vision disorders. He is world-renown for his work as study chair for the Convergence Insufficiency Treatment Trial, and the subsequent CITT-ART study. His current research focuses on diagnosis and treatment of concussion-related vision disorders. Prof. Scheiman is a diplomate and a fellow in binocular vision, perception and pediatric optometry in the American Academy for Optometry, and a fellow of the College of Optometrists in Vision Development.

Ahuva Ravid-Saffir
is an Israeli Optometrist (BSc, Bar Ilan University, suma cum laude) and orthoptist (Tel Aviv University) with a MOptom degree from Hadassah Academic College. Ms Ravid-Saffir has over 20 years of experience as a pediatric optometrist and orthoptist in the private sector and in medical centers. Currently, Ms. Ravid-Saffir works as a lecturer and clinic instructor in the BOptom program at Hadassah Academic College and as an orthoptist at the pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus clinic at the Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, Israel.

Dr. Robert Yammouni,
BSc, PhD, DipTh(IP), DipEACCME (refractive surgery).

Click here to register for Pediatric Optometry course

Please contact:

For more information

Please contact:
Program Director: Dr. Liat Gantz
Program Administrator: Ms. Alisa Gania
Department Chairperson: Prof. Ariela Gordon-Shaag