About Us - Computer Science, M.Sc.

Israel's economy depends on its flourishing high tech sector. With the local and global technology markets constantly evolving and expanding, companies place high value on employees with the skills, flexibility and solid academic foundations necessary to adapt, innovate and excel in a world of ever-shifting trends and rapid-paced technological development. A graduate degree in computer science is a springboard to success, allowing students to develop advanced technical skills, leadership ability and a broad and innovative outlook. Such a degree fosters professional development and offers a valuable credential highly prized in today's high tech marketplace.

Quality Academics, Professional Enrichment and Industry Collaboration

The graduate M.Sc. in Computer Science program at Hadassah College is geared towards professionals already working in the field and designed to fit their specific needs. The goal of the master's program is to upgrade students' skills and to enhance their academic background with a specific emphasis on real world practice. The program is designed to fit around students' full time professional working schedules without compromising on quality or quantity of instruction. The program addresses the growing need for master's degree graduates in the Israeli workplace.

Bio-Tech and Medical Science

Hadassah Academic College's M.Sc. in Computer Science offers an optional study track specializing in computers in medicine. Students gain knowledge and practical tools for addressing the needs of computerized medical systems and equipment. Specialization in this track will allow students to take on the many challenges of a fully modernized health care system including hospital based networks, medical informatics, bio-medical engineering and more. The program is targeted for holders of undergraduate degrees in computer science, physics, electronic engineering or bio-medical engineering. Graduates of chemistry or other life sciences may also be accepted, provided that they also have a relevant computer science background.